As you wake up:
- Check your state of mind
- Remind yourself why you are here
- Do views and reactions fine-tuning
- Stabilize your current state for a productive day
- Check if reframing is completed
- Prepare for important upcoming engagements
1. Check your state of mind
Look inside, scan your mind and body:
- what is your state of mind?
- how do you feel?
- did you have a good sleep, and feel refreshed?
- do you notice unwanted thoughts or an emotional cloud?
- are you motivated, and looking forward to a productive day?
If required, do brief mindfulness meditation. It will help you have a better look at your internal phenomena:
- states of mind, feelings, emotions, and thoughts
- body sensations
The earlier you notice an unwanted state, the easier it is to manage it.
2. Remind yourself why you are here
Remind yourself about a constructive perspective, and compassionate goals. It will help clear distortions and set you up for a productive day.
3. Views and reactions fine-tuning
If needed, read or listen to a text that exposes you to the desired outlook, and reflect on it. Use it as a benchmark to cross-check your views and reactions. Your mind fine-tuning checklist.
4. Stabilize your current state for a productive day
It is great if you can improve your state of mind, regulate emotions and start the day in a good shape.
Some issues may require more time, a reframing session, or other practice. Make a plan. Practice when you can ensure the time and conditions for practice.
Even if you do not have time to work with emotion, the very fact of recognizing it helps. It improves your awareness of biases and distortions it may provoke. Helps you mitigate the impact, and avoid acting on destructive impulses.
5. Check if reframing is completed
Check the state of reframing tasks you have completed recently. Make sure the changes are integrated — no unwanted reactions arise on focus.
6. Prepare for important upcoming engagements
Especially, for the potential stressors — difficult meetings, conflicts, critical tasks, etc.:
- check if unwanted reactions arise when thinking about the event and the people involved
- look at potential causes and try to reduce their impact (reframe if possible)
- check your motivation, hidden agendas, conflict debt, and history of similar events
- remind yourself why you do this and follow the compassionate intention