Emotional Intelligence And Self-Mastery
IntroductionRoadmap to EI and self-mastery
How to learn and use the program
Mind TrainingThe science of an effective mind training1Topic
How to change responses - A, B, C, D, E of CBT
Objective reframing2Topics
Closure, realization, "a-ha!" moment — the final piece of the puzzle
How to find your practice4Topics
Emotional HygieneEffective use of mindfulness1Topic
Emotional Hygiene4Topics
Information hygiene: manage your exposure1Topic
Energy management5Topics
Evolving self-masteryNatural focus and flow
Intuition - three components
Constructive engagement1Topic
Clearing self-sabotaging beliefs3Topics
Closure, realization, “a-ha!” moment — the final piece of the puzzle

Release of tension. Something has changed. A part of you is now different.
A closure, realization, or an “a-ha!” moment, — all mean you now see the world in a different light. Not just in theory. You actually feel, experience the internal change. You have let go of whatever was causing the tension before.
The contrast between before and after
The greater the problem that was causing the discomfort, the brighter your sensation. The rigid box of a limiting belief has now disappeared. You are free.
The final piece of the puzzle
You may have known it for years, but only realized it now. Why can’t you simply read about any idea, and have a realization immediately after?
The closing thought is usually the final piece of the puzzle. Something that completes the picture you have been preparing for a while. Sometimes, unintentionally, in the background, without noticing it. The closure means all preparations have been successfully delivered for the grand final. Otherwise, it would not happen.
Intentional breakthroughs
Mind training practice helps the thought to sink in. Permeate beliefs, and experiences, produce a transformational impact. Prepare the puzzle you can complete in one final push.
Marker of a successful practice
Closures and realizations happen when there is progress. We peel off the next layer of obscuration and see the light of your new perception of the world.