Processing job rejection

“Although we are very impressed with your skills and qualifications…”
How do you process job rejection emotions [so they do not impede your further job search and well-being]?
Step 1. Stop 🪵.
Staying still like a “log of wood” metaphor is often quoted by the Dalai Lama.
Do not rush to “fix this” externally or switch the mind/escape the unpleasant email.
Do both mind and body scans – get the inventory of responses while the situation is still fresh.
Step 2. Objective reframing 🔬
Find the time to look into each destructive thought and emotion. Dispute the web of concepts supporting them. Replace subjective perspective with a realistic outlook. Break each concept down until each atomic cause is obviously not plausible.
Example of a web of concepts that constructed the emotion

If, finally, your response changes to equanimity, compassion to both employers and yourself, and confidence to proceed with the job search…
You engage with reality [not your misperceived past experiences].