“Loneliness” does not exist

Let me solve “loneliness” once and for all.
(Spoiler) it does not exist…
You may be sad being actually separated from someone dear, or just feeling existential loneliness in a crowd of the un-like-minded… I hate to break it for you. You are wasting your time.
Let’s look closer — “loneliness” is just a label for a personal collection of destructive emotions like:
- fear of not getting relationship benefits we feel “dependent on”
- self-pity
- sadness
- jealousy
- feeling offended by the “unfair” world/another person not being there “for us”
- …
Loneliness mislabeling 🏷️
Let’s break down the stream of mental activity we label as “loneliness” into manageable components. Improve our understanding of each contributing emotion/belief and do objective reframing:
- we switch the invalid situation framing to objective (based on systems, compassionate outlook)
- remove objectification of other people as sources of benefits and our well-being
- extinguish each fear of not getting relationships outcomes
- clear each imaginary dependency of desired benefits
- restore the objective perception of all “traumatic” misperceived memories
- remove anger, jealousy, sadness, offense, self-pity, and other destructive responses
- clear misapprehended identities, up to the misconception of “I”
If we clear each component — the feeling of “loneliness” no longer arises. We enjoy solitude and do not feel “disconnected” or “deprived” of anything.
If you are still feeling “lonely” – do not despair. Now your mind can start untangling your self-sabotaging habits and beliefs. “Progress, not perfection.”