Even if you put a mask on…

What happens when you play a good boss, employee, or partner (but really don’t feel like it)?
Demonstrate positive behaviors while experiencing not-so-positive emotions.
We may get tactical wins but lose strategically. Even if you are successfully faking it, you are under the influence. Consequences will follow.
Integrity compass 🧭
Good for us, even implicit destructive agendas are not really hiding. If you stop and look inside you can feel the tensions and discomforts they create. Even on the level of your body sensations.
Use integrity as your compass. Make sure your whole self is comfortable with your engagement. Don’t ignore the thought “Yeah, I am doing it, but I hate it.”
Step 1: regulate what’s possible in the situation (e.g. by using STOPP)
Step 2: reframe the causes later (to prevent unwanted states/emotions in the future).
If you “don’t have time for this” (you choose to ignore, mask an emotion, suppress it, or distract yourself) — congratulations, you are under the influence. The causes of the emotion, dysfunctional habits, and beliefs, impact your judgment.