Am I aware of the difference I am making?

Correct systems awareness is to include both external data and the last mile — my perception.
🔬My state of mind is a litmus test.
✅ If my good intentions on the surface are supported by full awareness of coinciding emotions and thoughts.
✅ I experience clarity, my thoughts are light and my emotions are positive.
✅ No clouds of agitation, tension, or destructive emotions in sight.
— Yes, I am aware of the difference I am making.
If I lack awareness — I may miss biases and hidden agendas. They will distort my systems thinking, empathy, and opposing perspectives.
But even unconscious interferences are not hiding. They are usually revealed by my destructive states of mind — coinciding negative emotional investment in a situation.
Overthinking, lack of clarity. Depriving of compassion, indifference. Secondary markers: loss of energy and motivation, ungrounded irritation, or tiredness.