7 essential life skills reliant on self-mastery

No self-mastery — no critical reasoning, no leadership, no adaptability… Here are the vital skills to navigate life challenges, thrive and be happy (and how they are boosted by self-mastery).
1. Critical reasoning, valid decision-making, and wisdom
Self-mastery clears obstructions to clarity and reasoning. Frees your decision-making compass from cognitive biases and errors. Both conscious and, what is more important, the unconscious ones.
How? Emotions and thoughts expose hidden cognitive errors, the underwater part of the iceberg that controls your perception and responses. Emotional Hygiene, reframing, and other practices help you rewire these misconceptions. Unlock wisdom.
2. Know yourself
You clear your self-awareness “lens” by reducing emotional obscurations and finally get to “know thyself.” “Peel off” layers of misappropriated roles, motivations, and habits to discover your genuine identity, life vision, and goals.
3. Know others
If you know yourself, you are well-equipped to get to know others too. Your awareness of others and empathy are no longer managed by your subjective projections. Your ability to engage constructively and make others happy is now educated.
4. Resilience and adaptability
Self-mastery is the key to resilience and adaptability, thriving in a world of change and uncertainty. You are not merely regulating an unruly stream of emotions, but learn how to prevent them. Ensure the freedom to choose a response.
5. Integrity and authentic leadership
Both are impossible without self-mastery. Mind training helps you stay true to your core values, and prevents you from being taken off course by unintentional weaknesses. Your foundation for building trust and inspiring engagement is now solid.
6. Focus and flow
Self-mastery makes focus and flow your normal way to work (and live). You tap into intrinsic motivation, train your concentration, and remove triggers exploited by distractions. Natural focus and flow lead to a creativity boost, enhanced productivity, and higher chances of extraordinary results.
7. Productivity and well-being
You no longer self-sabotage your enthusiasm, energy levels, and vitals. Emotional Hygiene prevents stress, draining emotions, and exhausting interactions. Ensures sustainable recharge and rewarding activities. Maintains your desired well-being and productivity baseline. You are not squeezing out your emergency ration, but sharing the abundance.
More: the roadmap to self-mastery.