How to prevent AI from skewing your reality?

Unintentionally or deliberately misused, Artificial Intelligence is serving us a disproportionally distorted picture of the world. But we can certainly manage our susceptibility to the impact.

Engage with reality? 🧐

Yes… rather than with perception errors and biases. Extremes/idealism aside – all of us are somewhere on the spectrum between:

  • certified blind (oblivious to how things are)
  •    …”I am here ☺️”
  • wise (see reality beyond appearances)

Getting there 🤯

…is no small feat. A level of “Emotional Intelligence” to warrant clear perception is a lifetime’s work. Even renowned experts like Daniel Goleman, if asked, can only name the Dalai Lama as a person with a high EI:

So unless you were born with it  – the roadmap to valid cognition and resulting happiness/well-being/perception of reality — requires intentional [and effective] practice (Mind Training). 

Effective? ✅

As in bringing tangible results, e.g.:

  • preventing/reducing stress and destructive emotions
  • ensuring sustainable energy, focus, and motivation
  • making all engagements compassion-based, constructive

… the list goes on

What about AI? 🤖

At least it will have something real to train on. 🤣

But the key outcome is:

  • one’s perception will not be managed by others (misusing AI – intentionally or not)

Thank you,

A fellow practitioner

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